New Play Park to Open for Easter holidays

A new play park will open at Arundel Wetland Centre just in time for the Easter holidays in West Sussex! This spring young visitors will be exploring bird boxes, wobbly lily pads and seesaws via a new pathway of balance beams, rope walks and a curved walkway with a scramble net.

The new play area is a bespoke creation designed for WWT Arundel Wetland Centre by Studio Hardie, a company near Lewes that fuses art, design, engineering, architecture and craft. The firm have also created projects for English Heritage and The National Trust.

In fitting with its natural surroundings the play park will be constructed from natural materials. Wood for the project has been Sussex sourced and harvested. The metal slide from the existing play area has also been incorporated into the design.

The new play park replaces the existing Pond Skater Play Area which will close Monday 21 March to allow staff and contractors remove the existing structures. The new play equipment will be installed the following week to reopen as a brand new Pond Skaters play area by Sat 9 April.

Arundel Wetland Centre Manager Tim McGregor said, “We are very excited by the design of the play park. We can’t wait to welcome families in and we hope they love it. We want to hear their feedback!”

Pond Skaters Play Area.jpgFamilies love the existing Pond Skaters play area but we are sure an update will be welcomed

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