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Welcome Fowler, the Big Hoot owl

Swooping into WWT Arundel Wetland Centre on July 10 is “Fowler” a large owl, decorated with wetland birds by Ben Cavanagh, a mural artist and illustrator based in Littlehampton.

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Artist Ben Cavanagh and his creation Fowler

'Fowler' is part of The Big Hoot public art trail of 30 large owls, all transformed by artists across Chichester and Arundel. Schools and youth groups will decorate 30 smaller owlets which will also be on display. Proceeds from The Big Hoot go to Chestnut Tree House. You can download an App to follow the owl trail online.

Claire Hogben Centre Manager of Arundel Wetland centre said: “We were pleased to be chosen as the spot to host Fowler the owl. We love the illustrations of local wildlife from wetlands to the South Downs."

Our owl’s name “Fowler” was chosen by artist Ben Cavanagh's family and references the wildfowl in the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) name - the name is also shared with WWT’s own CEO Sarah Fowler.

“Fowler” will be located at the beginning of the entrance boardwalk into WWT Arundel Wetland Centre from July 10 through Sept 1. The Big Hoot owls are based on an adult Eurasian Eagle Owl.

To find out more about the trail visit

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