Wetland Detectives and Professor Bones entertain in July

Every weekend in July children can become Wetland Detectives at Arundel Wetland Centre. Plus Professor Bones puts on a show in the Sand Piper Theatre that introduces youngster to fascinating facts about animals! There is a lot to do at Arundel Wetland Centre in July, come rain or shine.

Outside a Wetland Detectives activities help keep children entertained while roaming the reserve with their family to solve simple clues and enter a contest to win a WWT family membership. Inside in the theatre in the visitor centre Professor Bones illustrates the lives of animals through their bones. "Animal skulls can tell us a lot about how an animal moved, how intelligent is was and even what kind of food they ate." said Claire Drew, Learning Manager at Arundel Wetland Centre. "and children are fascinated by skulls! " Each show includes a 15 minute close-up session for families.

Children can do brass rubbings of animals and other colouring crafts undercover in the Swan Lake room each afternoon.

 Pond dipping and Wetland Discovery boat rides are also included in your admission price each weekend at the Wetland Centre. WWT Arundel Wetland Centre is located on Mill Road, Arundel, BN18 9PB. The centre is open from 9:30 - 5:30 each day.

Professor Bones Show timings

11.30: Herbivores show

Noon: Carnivores show

12.30: Birds show

1.30: Mammals show

2.00: Birds show


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