WWT Arundel congratulates neighbour on Nature of Farming win

WWT Arundel congratulates Peter Knight, Manager of the Norfolk Estate, who was selected as regional winner and one of four finalists in the RSPB Nature of Farming Award. The Award was open to all farmers in the UK, whatever their farming system. It isn’t about having the rarest species, or the greatest biodiversity, it’s about doing positive work for wildlife.

As a close neighbour of the wetland reserve, wildlife from the Norfolk Estate is often visible from Arundel Wetland Centre.  “Peregrines, buzzards and kites are seen daily, soaring above the Offham hangar on the estate and thrilling our visitors who see them the boats on the Wetlands Discovery area.” said WWT Centre Manager Olivia Iles.

Wildlife from the Norfolk Estate is over spilling its boundaries, complimenting and adding to that of the Wildfowl & Wetland Trust reserve.   “The lapwing we have breeding on our Wet Grassland this year likely came from the population on the Norfolk estate. The linnets we have this year definitely had. We hope the skylarks, corn buntings and yellowhammers of the Norfolk Estate will eventually take up residence here, too.” says Paul Stevens, Grounds Manager at WWT Arundel Wetland Centre.

To learn more about the Nature of Farming Award and to cast your vote for Peter Knight to win the award click here  .

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