21st June 2013

The warmer weather has brought many species of insects out in abundance over the last few days and the plants are coming through and flowering in record speed.
Bee, Common spotted and Marsh orchids are all being observed in good numbers.

RAMSAR & SAND MARTIN HIDE: 1 Oyster catcher and juvenille, Black headed gulls and chicks, 2 Common terns and chicks, Greylag geese and goslings, Egret, 8 Shelduck and 3 ducklings, 12 Tufted ducks.

LAPWING HIDE: Greylag goslings, 1 Oyster catcher, 6 Lapwing and 9 chicks, ( various ages), Gadwall and 2 ducklings.

SCRAPE HIDE: 2 Teal, 2 Shoveler, 4 Common shelduck and 5 ducklings, 5 Tufted duck, 4 Gadwall, Swifts.

REED BED HIDE: Swallows, Tufted duck, Reed bunting, Cetti's warbler.

ARUN RIVER LIFE: 3 Oyster catchers, Tufted duck, 4 Shelduck, Black headed gulls, Canada geese and goslings.

RESERVE: Reed warbler, Sedge warbler, Dunnock, Nuthatch, Blue tit, Long tailed tit, Great tit, Gold finch, Bullfinch, Green finch, Chaffinch, Robin, Blackbird, Wren, Wood pigeon,  Rook, Magpie, Jackdaw, Pheasant and chicks, Morrhens and coots with chicks, Mallard and ducklings, Mute swans.

To see the newly hatched Common tern chicks, click on the following link http://youtu.be/0elUu4dhcmo


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