26th June 2013 - Arundels reserve sightings

Morning All! What a beautiful day, sunny, dry and a light breeze. The Peregrines certainly think so they were flying over the reserve with a fresh catch this morning and are currently up on the hanger feeding. A couple of Buzzards and a Red kite have also been seen circling high above.
If you haven't been out to the Sand martin hide recently then you really should. The Common tern chicks can be seen out on their purpose built raft and mum and dad are flying in frequently to feed them. It's a little noisy from this hide as the Black headed gulls have chicks on a few of the islands.
From Ramsar we saw an Egyptian goose, Mandarin ducks, Common Shelduck and Tufted duck.
The aptly named Lapwing hide is still showing good numbers of adults and various aged juvenile Lapwing. The Oyster catchers were also seen from this hide this morning, as were 2 newly hatched clutches of Mallard ducklings.
Around at the Scrape hide the Common shelduck duck and Gadwall were feeding with their ducklings.
Around the reserve we spotted; Swifts, Swallows, Cetti's, Reed and Sedge warbler, Reed bunting, Great and Blue tit with young, Gold finches, Green finches, Chaffinches, Chiff chaff, Black cap, Wood pigeon, Collared dove, Pheasants and chicks, Jackdaw, Nuthatch, Dunnock, Wren, Pochard and ducklings, Greylag and Canada geese with goslings and water voles all over the place!

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