A Nightjar!

Nightjar 15/05/13 by David Barrett
Nightjar 15/05/13 by David Barrett

We saw this lovely bird yesterday, just on the entrance to the Reed bed, below our owl box.
This bird was probably out at this time of the day due to exhaustion. From mid March to mid May is when this bird visits the UK. It is generally found on heathland areas.
I think it may have landed on the reserve for a well deserved rest, as strong winds have been blowing across the south for the last week.

LAPWING HIDE: 4 adult Lapwings, 3 older chicks and 4 newly hatched Lapwing chicks, 9 Grey lag & goslings, 2 Canadian geese & goslings, 6 Shelduck & 5 Gadwall.

RAMSAR & SANDMARTIN HIDES: 4 Lapwing & 2 chicks, 18 tufted duck, 5 Pochard & ducklings, 7 Shelduck, a pair of Lesser black back gulls,  Grey lag & Canada geese & goslings, Swallows & House Martins, 1 Shoveler.

SCRAPE HIDE: 14 Tufted duck, 2 Shelduck, 2 Pochard, 2 Gadwall.

REEDBED HIDE: Cetti's warbler, Reed warbler, Black cap, Reed bunting.

RESERVE: Mandarin duck, Wren, Cuckoo (heard only), Pheasant, White throat, Goldfinch, Green finch, Chaffinch, Jackdaw, Rook, Magpie, Buzzards, Peregrine, Dunnock, Black bird, robin, Thrush, Coot & chicks, moorhen & chick, Swallows & House Martins, Sedge warblers, Brimstone, Orange tipped & Peacock butterflies.
Water voles can be seen around the site and good numbers of Tadpoles in the ponds in front of the reception building.

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