Arundel Sand martins

Fantastic views of swallows, sand martins and house martins as they feed over the swan lake this morning. They have been flying within inches of the main gallery window, desperate to find any insects [...]

Fantastic views of swallows, sand martins and house martins as they feed over the swan lake this morning. They have been flying within inches of the main gallery window, desperate to find any insects during this cold wet spell.

This morning around 50 sand martins amonst the several hundred swallows and house martins seemed to be the cue for several pairs to check out the Sand martin hide. The pairs were entering tunnels and staying inside for quite sometime. Fingers are now crossed that they will rear some youngsters and kick start the colony!

A hobby was seen yesterday over the reserve, not so surprising with the swallow and martin activity!

The pair of Common terns were checking out the gravel island to the left of the Sand martin hide this morning. Courtship feeding by the male last week should see them start to lay shortly.

Still several families of Lapwing especially showing well in front of the aptly named Lapwing hide.

A pair of Nuthatch now feeding young in one of the tit boxes in the woodland secrets area.

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