Autumn changes

With all the leaves falling, but continued warmth their are some usual and more surprising sightings to be had at the moment.

Bats are still be seen, even a Daubentons bat out and about at 4.30pm, closing time from the Ramsar hide. Also from here roosting Little egrets have increased to 11 individuals last night. Again at closing time at least 50 Pied wagtails have been dropping into the reedbed to roost, accompanied by the calls of several water rails, makes for a magical end to the day. A Barn owl is currently leaving the nesting box on wetlands discovery at 5pm and heading out to the river bank to hunt.

During the day time Snipe numbers have been increasing with regular views of them from most of the hides but particularly Ramsar/sandmartin hides and the scrape hide. There have even been a couple in front of the reedbed hide on the cut areas in front on a few occasions when it is quieter.

A lovely group of 11 Wigeon and 4 Shelduck earlier in the week was a great addition to the usual Teal, Shoveler, Gadwall, Tufted duck and Mallard.

Kingfishers continue to show around the reserve and increasingly from the gallery over looking the Arun riverlife lake. Teal, snipe and little egrets have all been seen here recently as well.

As I write this, a Bittern has been seen from the Scrape hide flying into the main reedbed by one of our young guide in a hide, Callum, well done!


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