Autumnal changes

Apart from the cooler weather during the evenings and mornings, the birds are certainly well aware of the seasons.

Sand martins have been seen in great numbers this autumn passage, with 20 plus at a time checking out the nesting tunnels on the sand martin hide. Presuming the birds are moving on daily, several hundred must have checked this deluxe nesting bank over the last few weeks.

250 House martins were over the reserve at the end of the week and a trickle of Swallows heading south as well.

Duck numbers have been increasing with 61 Teal, 6 Shoveler, 4 Wigeon, 30 plus Gadwall and 5 Tufted duck.

Fish are increasingly  on the menu with great sightings of Grey heron, Kingfisher and Cormorant.

4 Snipe have been seen on the wet grassland for the first time along with increasing numbers of teal.

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