Beardies return

Fantastic sighting of 3 Bearded Tits flitting over the top of the reeds in the main reedbed this morning. They promptly landed and disappeared. After much waiting and scanning no further sightings were made up to 2pm. They are very elusive birds so a good chance that they may stay for some time. Definitely worth taking the time to watch and wait. This is the first sightings of this species for a couple of years and the first Autumn sighting for several decades!

At least 5 Water Rail, several Reed Bunting, 4 Teal and Water Voles were also in the reedbed. Yesterday a Hobby dashed across the reedbed possibly looking for a dragonfly or two.

Scrape areas held good numbers of Teal and Snipe (especially from the Scrape hide) as well as several Shoveler, single Lapwing, Shelduck and Grey Heron.


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