Bewick's in the valley & big lapwing count

Wardens counted 210 lapwing at Arundel during the Wetland Birds Survey (WeBS) on Sunday 17 Jan. We had word that there are 11 Bewick's swans in the Arun Valley. We are keeping an eye out in the late afternoons, hoping they may come in to roost here if it gets cold enough. A barn owl was spotted at 4 pm on over the Wet grassland last Saturday. A little grebe was spotted on the Arun Riverlife lagoon on Monday,

Wed 20 Jan

Ramsar & Sand Martin hide: 9 shelducks, 12 lapwings, 1 pochard, 19 shoveler, 3 wigeon, 14 snipe, and 21 tufted ducks.

Arun Riverlife: 5 pochards

Scrape hide: 24 mallards, 2 tufted ducks, 3 greylag geese, 1 gadwall, and 1 snipe

Tue 19 Jan

Woodland Loop: 1 water rail, 1 marsh tot, 1 great spotted woodpecker

Scrape hide: 1 kingfisher

Lapwing hide: teal

Arun Riverlife: 6 pochard, 4 tufted ducks

Ramsar & Sand Martin hides: 59 mallards, 21 greylag geese, 22 shelducks, 52 black-headed gulls, 18 tufted ducks, 19 snipe, 21 Canada Geese, 4 moorhens, 2 coots, 9 teal, 3 cormorants, 11 lapwing, 6 wigeon, 19 shoveler, 1 pochard.

Mon 18 Jan

Arun Riverlife: 3 pochards, 1 little grebe, 1 little egret

Ramsar & Sand Martin hide: 42 lapwing, 3 little egrets, and 10 snipe.

Sat 16 Jan

Wetlands Discovery: 3 pochards

Lapwing hide; 17 teal

Tranquil Trail: 1 bullfinch

Ramsar hide: 17 snipe

Sand Martin hide: 16 lapwing, 13 shelducks, 1 wigeon, 5 shoveler, 2 cormorant

Scrape hide: 1 snipe, 5 shoveler

Woodland Loop: 1 marsh tit

Arun Riverlife: 12 snipe, 36 mallards, 1 coot, 1 moorhen, 3 pochards, and 1 gadwall.

Wet Grassland: 1 barn owl (at 4 pm)

Fri 15 Jan

Woodland Loop: 6 moorhens, 2 mallards, 15 blue tits, 1 great tit, 3 chaffinches, 1 robin, 3 wood pigeon, 1 dunnock, 1 pheasant.

Arun Riverlife: 6 pochard.

Willow Screen: 1 kingfisher

Ramsar & Sand Martin hide: 1 wigeon, 16 lapwing, 18 tufted ducks, and 106 greylag geese.

Thurs 14 Jan

Sand Martin hide: 77 lapwing (morning)

Arun Riverlife: 6 pochard

Sussex Screen: 24 mallards

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