Bittern putting in a regular appearance

A wintering Bittern has been seen for the last week almost on a daily basis from the scrape and reed bed hides.

The Starling roost in the main reedbed has reached around 4000 birds. The spectacle is gradually getting later, but around 4-4.15pm is the best time currently to see them murmurating and 'falling' into the reeds.

Kingfishers continue to put on a great show in many areas of the reserve.

Water rail are still being seen regularly and at closer range.

4 Black swans have been roosting on the reserve for the last few nights and they were joined by 7 Bewicks swan last night.

Good numbers of Snipe were seen today in the cut areas of the reedbeds.

A singing Dunnock  was a very early sign of spring today.

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