Bittern surprise

Yesterday morning whilst doing the usual bird count, a surprised Bittern took off from the pool next to the reedbed hide. It floated off over the reedbed and landed on the far side of the Scrape hide lagoon.

Other birds of note at the moment are a Common Sandpiper from the Scrape hide, two pairs of Oystercatchers, Reed and Sedge warblers returning to the reedbed and two Mediterranean gulls amongst the Black headed gulls from the Sand martin hide.

Swallows and a couple of Sand martins passing through the reserve and Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs singing around various points on the reserve.

Still plenty of Mallard ducklings hatching and the first few broods of Canada geese.

Still a chance of seeing a Kingfisher which is still present but less visible of late.

Butterflies around the reserve include Brimstone, Peacock, Small tortoiseshell, Red Admiral, Orangetip, Green veined white, Small white and Comma.

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