Breeding bird survey

This morning was the first of three early morning breeding bird surveys and what a lovely morning it was to.

Although cool to start with it soon became sunny and warm.

Although warblers have been arriving over the last week it was evident that 4 Sedge Warbler were now singing around the reserve with the first Reed warbler in the main reedbed. A Willow warbler was also a good to hear species with the commoner Chiffchaffs singing from many areas of suitable habitat.

Our resident Cettis Warblers were also in fine voice with a total of 11 territorial males.

Two Robin nests with one having already hatched, nest building Song thrush, Grey wagtail and Reed Bunting, two Long tailed tit nests, Mallard on eggs and newly hatched ducklings and Canada and Greylag Geese on their nests. Lapwing displaying, nest scraping and a couple of females sitting on eggs, one of which is on our Arun riverlife project area for the first time.

Definitely spring!

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