Cattle egret among the little egret's roost

Our first recorded sighting of a cattle egret at Arundel

Sightings by Arundel Wetland Centre wardens

Mon 12 Nov

Ramsar hide: cattle egret, little egrets, snipe.

Sun 11 Nov

Hedgerows: Firecrests
Arun Riverlife: 7 little egrets, 12 cormorants (early morning)
Offham hangar: male peregrine calling
Ramsar hide: 9 shelducks, 1 shoveler, 6 little egret, 2 snipe, 3 tufted duck, 3 goosander, 1 teal, 1 chiffchaff.
Lapwing hide: 1 snipe, 1 water rail.
Scrape hide: little grebe, 2 shoveler.
Reedbeds: chiffchaff, 5 marsh harriers.

Sat 10 Nov

Scrape hide: 3 goosanders.
Arun Riverlife: little egrets, tufted ducks.
Ramsar hide: 3 goosanders (moving around the site), 1 lapwing, 3 shelduck.
Lapwing hide: teal.
Sand martin hide: 3 pochard, 9 shoveler, 4 shelduck.

Fri 9 Nov

Ramsar hide: little egrets, 5 snipe.
Offham Hangar: 1 buzzard.
Sand martin hide: 4 shelduck, 3 shoveler ducks, 1 goosander, 3 gadwall.
Scrape hide: 5 gadwall.

Thur s8 Nov

Sand martin hide: 3 goosanders, tufted ducks, 4 shelducks, 4 shoveler.
Arun Riverlife: tufted ducks.
Lapwing hide: marsh harriers flypast.

Wed 7 Nov

Ramsar hide:1 little egret, 2 shelducks, 1 grey heron.
Sand martin hide: 1 cormorant, 3 shelduck, 5 shoveler, 12 gadwall, 2 tufted duck,
Arun Riverlife: 6 tufted ducks.
Scrape hide: little grebe, 7 shoveler.
Woodland lodge: blue tits, chaffinch.

A firecrest hunting for little bugs. Photo: Romney Turner

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