Common terns

Any of you visiting today, sighting in the Sand Martin hide would of indeed had a good laugh at our expense! Putting the tern raft out in high winds was probably not the best idea in the world, but we persevered and it is now out and attached to underwater posts.
We have had the one tern in for a few weeks now and the second one appeared last week.
A third arrived this morning, so keep your eyes peeled for this truly beautiful birds.

Sightings today
Over 100 Swifts, Sand Martins, House Martins and Swallows over the reed bed and around to the Sand martin hide.
Tufted duck, Gadwall, Shelduck, Pochard, Mallard and goslings, Shoveler, Grey lag geese and goslings, Canadian geese and goslings, Egyptian geese, Lapwing and chicks, Oyster catchers, Moorhens and chicks, Coots and chicks, 2 Common terns, Black headed gulls, Herring gulls, Pheasant, Nuthatch, Dunnock, Water voles, Chaffinch, Green finch, Goldfinch, Collared dove, Sedge warbler, Reed bunting, Cetti's warbler, Greater spotted wood pecker, blackbird, robin, Blue tit, Great tit, Long Tailed tit.

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