Early spring?

After last weeks cold snap, this morning felt very mild. The temperature and singing Song thrush, Robin, Dunnock, Wren, Blackbird and drumming Great spotted woodpecker fooled me into thinking it was April not January!

Teal were displaying well from the Scrape hide with 10 well hidden Snipe. A Kingfisher put in a brief appearance on the perch in front of the hide and a showy Firecrest was in the scrub approach to the hide.

11 Pochard were noticeable from the Ramsar and Sand martin hides with 3 Wigeon and 3 Lapwing also being a break from the normal cast.

Bullfinch were again showing well along the scrub line through the middle of the reserve and two flybys of Sparrowhawk over the main lagoon and wet grassland.

The Barn owl was seen early this morning on its nest box during the breakfast with birds.


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