Kestrel, egyptian geese and kingfishers

On Tuesday a staff member on a lunchtime walk came across a cluster of visitors on the long path. They were watching a kestrel perching on the Wetland Secrets building.

The kesterel then moved onto the Reedbed hide roof between spots of hovering for prey. The kestrel didn’t catch anything but it didn’t seem to mind having an audience. At one point it was hovering directly above the people on the pathway!

Plenty of kingfisher sightings for visitors but they aren’t as close to the hides now that nesting is finished but you may see them fishing on Arun Riverlife lagoon or Sand matrtin and Ramsar hides.

We have six Egyptian geese onsite - seems our earlier pair may be back with their juveniles. Look for them on the gravel island from the Sand Martin hide.There is also good numbers of gadwall, tufted ducks and shoveler there too

Below is not a list of all wildlife onsite. It is the recorded wildlife sightings by WWT staff noted on the morning walk around, with different areas recorded on different days.

Wed 5 Oct

Ramsar hide & Sand Martin hide: 6 little egrets, 6 Egyptian geese

Scrape hide: 1 kingfisher, 4 gadwall, 3 snipe, 16 mallards.

Woodloop: 1 tree ceeper

Tues 4 Oct

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 28 Canada geese, 14 tufted ducks

Wet;and Discovery: 1 kingfisher, 1 pochard

Scrape hide: 7 shoveler, 6 snipe

Black Rabbit Triangle:1 common frog

Ramsar & Sand Martin hides: 1 little egret, 27 wood pigeon, 6 shoveler, 5 Egyptiam Geese, 4 Canada geese, 7 Greylag geese, 8 tufted ducks, 4 pochards, 3 moorhen, 2 coots, 15 black-heded gulls, 09 gadwall, 5 mallards

Mon 3 Oct

Arun Riverlife: 2 kingfishers

Ramsar hide & Sand Martin hide: 1 kingfisher, 1 little egret, 2 teal, 3 shoveler, 5 egyptian geese

Wetland Discovery: 9 tufted ducks, 1 pochard

Scrape hide: 7 shoveler, 2 teal, 3 snipe

Sun 2 Oct

Wetland Discovery: 2 pochards, 3 tufted ducks, 1 mallard, 2 gadwall

Willow screen: 1 mandarin

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 1 pochard, 1 kingfisher, 1 snipe

Scrape hide: 1 snipe

Sand Martin hide: 1 black swan, 1 pochard, 1 little egret

Sat 1 Oct

Arun Riverlife: 21 coots, 1 gadwall, 2 moorhens, 1 little grebe, 8 tufted ducks, 16 mallards

Scrape hide: 7 shoveler, 1 grey heron, 2 snipe

Ramsar & Sand martin hides: 1 kingfisher, 1 cormorant, 3 pochard, 1 little egret

Willow screen: 2 kingfishers lots of calling

Wetland Discovery: 1 pochard

Woodland Lodge hide: 1 great spotted woodpecker.

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