First flowers blooming

Large number of lapwing flock in and coltsfoot, primrose and snow drops are flowering.

Lots of lapwing visited the reserve last week. The large flocks may be breaking up for spring and our regular 12-14 breeding lapwing have come in, accompanied by good numbers of their neighbours. On Friday there were 47 lapwing at the Ramsar hide. That number increased to 72 lapwing on Sunday.

Feb 11

Ramsar/Sand Martin hides: 35 lapwing, 1 cormorant, 8 shelducks, 7 tufted ducks, 11 pochards, 2 Egyptian geese.

Wildlife garden: 1 goldcrest

Scrape hide: 7 teal, 4 shovelerm 1 tufted ducks.

Feb 9

Lapwing hide: 72 lapwing

Feb 7

Ramsar hide: 47 lapwing, 2 wigeon, 1 great crested grebe

Arun Riverlife: 6 teal. 2 tufted ducks

Pond skater play area: 1 water rail

Sand Martin hide: 4 lapwing, 2 oystercatchers.

Woodland Loop: 1 water rail, 3 chaffinch, 5 blue tits, 1 long tailed tit

Feb 5

Scrape hide: 4 tufted ducks, 4 shoveler, gadwall 6, yeal 12, 3 shelduck, 1 kingfisher, 3 Cetti's warblers

Feb 4

Ramsar hide: 1 oystercatcher, 12 lapwings, 580 black-headed gulls, 7 shelduck, 2 gadwall, 5 tufted ducks, 8 pochards, 4 teal, 1 cormorant.

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