Fledglings, dragonflies and butterflies

The hot weather has accelerated the wildflowers onsite. As the cowslip and ragged robin start to disappear, common valerian, various umbellifers and bird’s-foot trefoil appear in abundance, with southern marsh and common spotted orchids flourishing on the wet grassland.

Dragons and damsels are out in force, on sunnier days expect to see azure, blue-tailed and red-eyed damselflies, broad-bodied chaser, emperor dragonfly and now black-tailed skimmer starting to make an appearance.

Butterflies spotted include speckled wood, peacock, red admiral, painted lady, common blue and we did even find a dingy skipper at the Triangle. Ruby-tailed wasps are also around – look out for these jewel toned insects often resting on fence rails.

The kingfisher pair in the Sand Martin Hide are still feeding young, but as fledging age approaches, the adult pair may be wanting to nest again shortly afterwards. Of course, the young will have to find their own territories, so this will be an interesting story to watch unfold.

Sand martins are also using the nest chambers in the artificial nest bank in good numbers. The final number will not be confirmed until chambers are cleaned out later in the year.

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The chick of the oystercatcher pair that nest in front of the Coastal Creek aviary has fledged and the family has flown over to the Reedswamp exhibit (top image). An second oystercatcher pair are nesting on the naturalized roof of the San Martin hide (above). Pics by Media volunteer Andrew Burns

Tues 21 June

Scrape hide: a juvenile grey heron with an adult

Reedswamp exhibit: 3 oystercatchers - 2 adults and fledgling

Sand Martin hide: 1oystercatcher on the roof, several sand martins in and out of nest holes

Trails: broad bodied chaser dragonflies, common blue damselflies, red admiral butterflies

Long path: juvenile moorhens.

Sun 19 June

Riverside: 1 cuckoo heard.

Wetland Discovery: 1 black-headed gull, 2 tufted ducks, 4 mallards

Ramsar hide & sand martin hide: 1 cattle egret, 1 oystercatcher

Pelican Cove: 4 pochards

Reedswamp exhibit: 3 oystercatchers- 2 adults and fledgling

Sat 18 June

Arun Riverlife: 2 back-headed gulls, 2 mute swans, 1 moorhen, 2 greylags geese, 12 Canada geese, 4 gadwall, and 12 mallards

Friday 17 June

Sand martin hide: 1 oystercatcher on the roof, c20 sand martins, 2 kingfishers flew across the water, perched up and chased each other around the lagoon

Tundra pen: pyramidal orchids flowering

Offham hangar: peregrine perched in dead beech

Pelican Cove: adult pochard and juvenile, 1 kestrel

Reedswamp: 3 oystercatchers- 2 adults and fledgling

Woodland Loop: 2 greylag geese and two youngsters, 3 goldfinches, 6 chaffinches, 11 mallard including 6 newly hatched ducklings, 3 greenfinches including a juvenile, 10 great tits & 10 blue tits (mostly juveniles), 3 robin including a juvenile, 1 coal tit, 4 moorhens with 2 juvenile and a hatchling, 2 squirrels, 1 nuthatch

Thurs 16 June

Reedbed Loop: 1 sedge warbler, 5 reed warblers, 1 kestrel, 1 Cetti’s warbler

Reedswamp exhibit: 3 oystercatchers- 2 adults and fledgling

Sand Martin hide: 1 oystercatcher sitting on the roof, 8 sand martins, 1 kingfisher

Pelican Cove: 1 male pochard with youngster

Ramsar hide: 1 pochard

Lapwing hide: 1 barn owl hunting on wet grassland

Wed 15 June

Butterflies on site: 1 clouded yellow butterfly, 3 red admirals, 2 small tortoiseshells, 1 comma, 1 speckled wood, 3 meadow browns, and 1 common blue butterfly

Damsels and dragonflies: willow emerald damselfly on Raised Pond (new species never recorded here before), four spotted chaser dragonfly, and clouded border moth.

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