Floods of water and birds!!

Recent flooding of the grounds and reserve have caused many changes.

Some birds have decreased such as Snipe and Shelduck, being replaced by higher numbers of Teal (100-200), Gadwall (40) and Lapwing (120).

Kingfishers, Little Grebe, Cormorant and Grey Heron have remained on site, but fishing in different areas of the reserve. A Kingfisher was seen perched over the flooded long path which fish were seen swimming along!

Wigeon (6) put in sporadic appearances during the last week along with Pintail (2) and Shoveler (6). Tufted duck numbers have gone up to around 72 on the now deeper water of the scrapes.

Water rails and Snipe continue to be seen through the reedbed and Cettis Warbler have begun singing again.

Great spotted woodpecker has been drumming at the woodland loop and Dunnock, Wren, Mistle and Song thrushes have all been heard singing during the recent milder weather.

Bullfinch numbers have increased with small parties seen in variuos parts of the reserve.

Breaking news as Bittern just been seen in the reedbed!!!

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