Friday Wildlife Sightings

Lots of toads moving onto the reserve and mating in the waterways.


Common toads heading for the water at WWT Arundel Pic: Paul Stevens


Reserve & Grounds: robin, dunnock, carrion crow, tufted duck, Canada geese, black-headed gull, mute swan, Cetti’s warbler jackdaw, pochard, greylag geese,  blue tit,  great tit,  bullfinch,  chaffinch,  goldfinch
Lapwing hide: 6 lapwing, mallard, Canada geese,  8 teal, greylag geese,  1 snipe,  magpie
Ramsar hide: 4 gadwall, Canada geese, black-headed gull,  5 shoveler, greylag geese,  5 tufted duck,  2 shelduck,  7 lapwing,  17 snipe
Scrape hide: 6 snipe, mallard, Canada geese, black-headed gull,  1 oystercatcher,  2 teal,  2 tufted duck
Reedbed hide: reedbunting mallard, black-headed gull,  blue tit, carrion crow,  robin,  wren
Woodland Loop: blue tit, dunnock,  great tit, mallard,  robin,  chaffinch, carrion crow, water rail,  blackbird
Arun Riverlife: 6 tufted duck, Canada geese, black-headed gull, mute swan,  8 pochard,  grey wagtail

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