Great Crested Grebe 31/03/2016

Great Crested Grebe at Arundel by Alec Pelling
Great Crested Grebe at Arundel by Alec Pelling

The Great crested grebe did re-appear yesterday afternoon and some lovely photos were taken from the RAMSAR hide, where it continues to fish today.
A small group of Red poll is feeding from the catkins at the entrance to the Lakes & Forests exhibit.

SAND MARTIN & RAMSAR HIDES; Great crested grebe, Lapwing, Oyster catchers, Black headed and Herring gulls, Pochard, Shelduck, Tufted duck, Greylag & Canada geese.

LAPWING HIDE; Lapwing, Teal, Canada & Greylag geese, Coot & Moorhen.

SCRAPE HIDE; Pochard, Shelduck, Black headed gulls, Greylag & Canada geese, Teal.

RESERVE & GROUNDS; Water rail, Mandarin duck, Mute swans, Mallard &ducklings, Coot & young, Moorhen, Little Grebe, Red poll, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Dunnock, Collared dove, Blue/ Great/ Coal & Long tailed tits, Blackbird, Robin, Wren, Pheasant, Great spotted woodpecker, Water voles, Brimstone butterfly.

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