Great egret, hawfinches and 18 lapwing

Male bullfinch by Jamie MacCallum shot Saturday morning during Golden Hour Early Opening event


  • Wednesday roost - 17 little egrets came into roost between 4.15 5pm near Ramsar hide along with 2 grey herons
  • Saturday - During morning feed WWT Warden Emma spotted a great egret in the Trumpter Swan pen along with 11 little egrets and a cormorant
  • Barn owl pellets in Lapwing hide



  • 44 common gull
  • Guide in Hide David spotted 5 hawfinch near Woodland Loop along with drumming Great spotted woodpeckers.
  • Marsh tit and a pair of stonechat in hedgerows.
  • Cetti’s warbler (2) chasing each other near Outlook In building
  • bullfinches showing well



  • 13 shelduck at Ramsar hide
  • 18 lapwing on the wet grassland in morning, chasing and pairing up behaviour
  • 30 snipe flushed by Wardens adjust sluices on wet grassland at Lapwing hide.
  • 40 gadwall onsite: 10 at Scrape hide, 30 at Ramsar hide
  • 2 wigeon (pair) on Arun Riverlife lagoon, 1 wigeon on Scrape hide
  • 60+ teal onsite: 41 at Scrape hide mostly males, whistling and displaying.
  • 3 buzzards
  • Dunnocks singing
  • long-tailed tits active on the feeders ,pairing up, early nesters (Feb)
  • single chiff chaff spotted near Scrape hide


In general:

  • water rails active all around reserve
  • kingfishers showing well.
  • goldcrest and firecrests active and showing well on hedgerows between Ramsar and Sand Martin hides


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