Great egret, wigeon and pintails

I spotted a great egret last Sunday from the Scrape hide. This heron-sized egret is much larger than the little egret and has a yellow bill, like the smaller cattle egrets. Members of the Collection Team and our Reserve Team have spotted the great egret around in the early morning but it soon moves offsite.

Plenty of wintering ducks coming into the reserve. Seven pintail from Sand Martin hide on Wednesday morning (25 Nov) and good numbers of wigeon. The highest numbers of both I have seen in recent years. I counted 41 teal at the Scrape hide, too.

- Paul Stevens, Reserve Manager

Thurs 19 Nov

Reedbed: chiffchaffs, 23 mallards, 1 kingfisher, 1 gadwall, 1 coot.

Lapwing hide: 23 snipe

Fri 20 Nov

Woodland loop: 4 blue its, 2 great tits, 3 chaffinch, 2 coal tits, 1 song thrush, 2 wood pigeon.

Ramsar hide: 1 lapwing

Reedbed: juvenile heron.

Sat 21 Nov

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 19 mallards, 16 Canada geese, 1 tufted duck, 2 pochard, 2 coot, 1 moorhen, 1 kingfisher, 1 black-headed gull

Reedbed hide: 1 water rail

Sun 22 Nov

Wetland Discovery area: 37 mallard, 1 kingfisher, 1 green woodpecker, 2 water rail, 2 coots, 2 tufted ducks, 1 moorhen, 1 black-headed gull.

Ramsar hide: 9 wigeon, 11 snipe, 19 shoveler, and 6 lapwings.

Scrape hide: great egret

Reedbed hide: 1 kingfisher, 1 Cetti’s warbler, 6 marsh harriers (roosting - 3 males and 3 juveniles).

Mon 23 Nov

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 5 Egyptian geese.

Ramsar/Sand Martin hide: 17 wigeon, 1 pochard, 4 lapwings.

Lapwing hide: 13 teal, 2 stone chats, 1 blue tits, 1 wren.

Tues 24 Nov

Ramsar hide: 1 Med gull 1, 6 lapwing, 8 wigeon, 10 gadwall 1 grey heron, 11 snipe, 3 shelduck, 12 teal, 19 mallards, 4 pochard, 11 tufted ducks, 171 black-headed gulls, 78 common gulls, 8 coot, 3 cormorant, 28 Canada goose, 44 greylag geese, 12 shoveler.

Wood loop: 2 marsh tits

Arun Riverife lagoon: 4 pochard

Wed 25 Nov

Sand Martin hide: 7 pintails, 20 wigeo

Scrape hide: 41 teal

Arun Riverlife: 6 pochards

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