Green & greater spotted woodpeckers

The weather has warmed up from a chilly -6 degrees last Sunday morning but we are still are seeing a larger numbers of birds than in previous years coming in for the evening roost, like the 84 lapwing counted on Tuesday at 4pm.

On Tuesday we spotted a reed bunting near the Reedbed hide. A kingfisher has been showing, usually on the Arun Riverlife lagoon. We’ve had a greater spotted woodpecker drumming in the Woodland loop and a green woodpecke feeding there on the ground, along with the ‘resident’ water rail who hangs around under the bird feeders.

Wed 13 Jan

Arun Riverlife: 9 pochards (5 male, 4 female), 1 kingfisher

Woodland Loop: Greater Spotted woodpecker (drumming)

Scrape hide: 2 shelducks (pair), 1 little grebe, 26 mallards, 9 teal (7 male, 2 female), 1 grey heron

Ramsar & Sand Martin hides: 12 lapwing, 2 wigeon (pair) 15 snipe

Tues 12 Jan

Arun Riverlife: 8 pochard

Reedbed hide: 1 reed bunting

Ramsar & Sand Martin hides: 2 cormorants, 13 tufted ducks, 17 teal, 68 Canada geese, 2 moorhen, 44 mallards, 3 gadwall, 3 coot, 8 shoveler, 8 shelducks, 70 black-headed gulls, 2 herring gulls, 2 pochards, 20 lapwing (84 lapwing at 4 pm roost), 9 snipe, and 7 greylag geese.

Reedbed hide: 2 marsh harriers (4pm roost)

Mon 11 Jan

Scrape hide: 5 snipe

Woodloop: 1 water rail

Arun Riverlife: 2 gadwall

Lapwing hide: 1 moorhen

Ramsar Hide: 1 grey heron, 10 snipe.

Sand Martin hide: 12 shelducks, 3 shoveler, and 4 gadwall.

Sun 10 Jan

Wetlands Discovery: 1 snipe, 1 water rail

Woodland Loop: 1 greater spotted woodpecker, 1 green woodpecker, 1 treecreeper,

San Martin & Ramsar hides: 18 shelducks, 3 shoveler, 16 wigeon

Sat 9 Jan

Arun Riverlife: 1 song thrush, 24 black-headed gulls, 12 mallards, 2 coots, 6 snipe, 1 kingfisher

Wetland Discovery: 1 Jay

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