Herons, bullfinches and house martins

Reports of kingfishers sightings daily and visitors are still sending in their shots so chances are you'll spot one at the Scrape hide, Arun Riverlife lagoon or on the large lagoon between the Ramsar & Sand martin hides.

Looks like the oystercatcher pair near Sand Martin hides managed to raise a chick to juvenile-hood, its the same size and colouration as its parents now. Last Thursday and adult male kingfisher was perched at the Scrape hide while two juveniles flew around each other. Look out for flocks of martins moving through especially near Sand martin hide. We had over 30 of them sighted there last Friday.

Bullfinches are being spotted regularly and we had tawny owl sighting lsat Thursday!

Sightings of cormorants and grey herons are increasing like they do every autumn, and little grebe seems to be back at the Scrape hide.

Wildlife Sightings

This is not a list of all wildlife onsite. It is the recorded wildlife sightings by WWT staff noted on the morning walk around, with different areas recorded on different days.

Sun 28 Aug

Wetland Discovery area: 2 coots, 5 mallards, 1 Cetti’s warbler, 1 kingfisher, 1 gadwall

Scrape hide: 1 water rail, 3 teal, 3 gadwall, and 1 kingfisher

Sat 27 Aug

Arun Riverlife: 12 coots, 6 mallards, 1 tufted duck, 1 pochard, 2 Canada goose, 1 kingfisher

Ramsar hide: 42 Canada geese, 1 little egret, 1 kingfisher

Scrape hide: 2 teal, 1 water rail, and 1 little grebe

Fri 26 Aug

Woodland Loop: 5 great tits, 6 blue tits, 2 goldfinches, 2 mandarin ducks, 3 mallards, 8 chaffinches, 3 greenfinches

Scrape hide: 1 shoveler, 1 teal

Ramsar & Sand martin hide: c30 house martins

Thurs 25 Aug

Reedbed Loop: 1 tawny owl

Scrape hide: 1 little grebe

Ramsar hide: 2 adult and one juvenile oystercatcher

Scrape hide: 1 perched adult and 2 flying juvenile kingfishers

Wed 24 Aug

Scrape hide: 2 tufted ducks, 2 teal, 1 wren, 1 wood pigeon, 1 great tit, 1 blue tit, 1 moorhen, 2 Cetti’s warblers, 1 kingfisher, 27 mallards, 1 chiffchaff, and 1 bullfinch

Sand Martin hide: 2 grey herons, 4 cormorants, 8 gadwall, 2 mandarin ducks, and 1 kingfisher

Waterside walk: 1 singing male willow warbler

Ramsar hide: 1 little egret, 4 teal

Tranquil trail: 4 bullfinches

Arun Riverlife: 2 gadwall, 2 pochard, 1 kingfisher

Pelican Cove: 2 gadwall

Trumpeter Pen: 2 mandarins

Woodland Carr: 1 water rail

Sussex Screen: 1 gadwall

Tues 23 Aug

Ramsar hide: 1 sand piper

Sand martin hide: 1 tufted duck, 3 Canada goose, 8 black headed gulls, 1 lesser lack-backed gull, 3 teal

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