Herons, sand martins & kingfishers

Recent sightings by WWT wardens around our reserve last week.

Recent sightings by our wardens around the reserve last week. Sand martins are still moving through but have slowed in hot weather. Kingfisher sightings are increasing. Herons and snipe sightings are up, too.

Ramsar Scrape: Mute Swan 2, Gadwall 2, Sand Martin 40

Woodland Lodge Hide: Grey Wagtail 1, Nuthatch 1, Blackcap 1
Reedbed: Willow Warbler 1
Long Path: Whitethroat 1
Scrape Hide: Grey Heron 1
Wildlife Garden: Blackcap 2 Pair
Wet Grassland: Green Sandpiper 1

Scrape Hide: Grey Heron 1
Arun Riverlife Lagoon: Kingfisher 1
Sand Martin Hide: Kingfisher 1, Sand Martin 20
Reedbed: Goldfinch 4, Cetti's Warbler 1, Chaffinch 2, Chiffchaff 2, Long-tailed Tit 3, Wren 1
Reedbed hide: Red Kite 1 Flying over
Wildlife Garden: Greenfinch 1

Lapwing Hide: Snipe 1
Woodland Lodge Hide: Blue Tit 3, Goldfinch 1, Woodpigeon 4, Dunnock 1, Robin 1, Blackbird 1, Greenfinch 3, Chaffinch 2, Great Tit 2

Arun Riverlife lagoon: Tufted Duck 2
Ramsar Scrape: Green Sandpiper 1, Wood Sandpiper 1
Wet Grassland: Snipe 2

Wetland Discovery reedbeds: Bullfinch 2, 1 Juvenile
Woodland Lodge Hide: Marsh Tit 1

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