Hotting up!

The weather has been warming up over the week, but so has the action.

A surprise visit by a solitary Black tailed Godwit on Friday was an unusual find for this time of year, but it only stayed a short time. A Barn Owl during a bat survey last week out on wetlands discovery gave hope that it maybe using the newly erected nest box.

An Oystercatcher pair have a well grown chick from the Ramsar hide and still plenty of Lapwing with chicks of varying ages from the Ramsar and Lapwing Hides.

Our Common Tern pair are still incubating two eggs on the raft in front of the Sand martin hide, hatching should occur around the 18th June if all goes well.

Juvenile Black headed gulls continue to hatch as well as Gadwall, Tufted duck, Shelduck and Shoveler ducklings.

Reed and Sedge warblers are now in full swing with the latter already feeding young in  nests around the reserve.

At least one Kingfisher is being seen most days, especially along the ditch parallel with the long path through the middle of the reserve.

On sunny days dragonflies have put in an appearance including Broad bodied chaser, Hairy dragonfly and Black tailed skimmer. Red eyed, Large red and Common blue Damselflies have been showing well on wetlands discovery.

Good numbers of Water voles can be seen across most of the reserve, but especially through the reedbed.

Orchids are starting to flower with Common spotted around wetlands discovery and Marsh Orchid in the meadow maze. Other flowers include Ragged Robin, Yellow flag iris, Cow Parsley and Red Campion.

The new Arun riverlife project area now has water in it and has already attracted Shelduck, Tufted duck and a nesting Oystercatcher after only 3 days of re-flooding!


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