I spy snipe!

Good counts of  Snipe this morning with a total of over 30 that could actually be seen. Majority were from the Ramsar and Sand martin hides.

Kingfishers continue to be seen on a regular daily basis, along with Cormorants and Grey herons.

38 Teal in front of the Lapwing hide was a great treat this morning.

A couple of Fieldfare were calling from the scrub at the rear of the reserve.

Water rail seem to be a good numbers with plenty of sightings especially from the reedbed hide and calling from most parts of the wetland habitats around the reserve.

A Marsh tit calling from the northern boundary of the reserve was a nice surprise this morning

Around the reserve: Cettis warbler, Longtailed tit, Goldcrest, Firecrest, Marsh tit, Great, Green and Lesser spotted woodpeckers, Goldfinch, Redpoll, Siskin, Little Grebe, Reed bunting, Gadwall, Shelduck, Tufted duck, Pochard, Greylag and Canada geese, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Redwing, Common, Black headed, Herring, and Great black backed Gulls.

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