Insects and flowers

Although the number of species of birds to be seen on the reserve is less at this time of year, the wild flowers and insects are reaching a peak at this time of year.

The wetland wild flowers look amazing with Meadowsweet dominating areas such wetlands discovery and the wet meadow. The blue of Tufted vetch and the yellow of Greater birds foot trefoil add to the palette. Look out for the burgundy flowers of Greater Burnet and the orchid like Marsh woundwort around the grasslands of Wetlands discovery. Fleabane and Water mint have still yet to flower so lots more colour still to come.

Insects include Black tailed skimmer, Emperor dragonfly, Broad bodied chaser, Common darter, Blue tailed, Azure and Common Damselflies. Butterflies to watch for during the Big butterfly count are Small tortoiseshell, Peacock, Red admiral, Painted lady, Gatekeeper, Meadow brown, Holly blue, all of which are currently flying on the reserve.

Autumn ducks starting to arrive included 3 Shoveler and 3 Teal this morning. Kingfishers continue to show almost daily in many areas of the reserve.

Singing Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat can be also still be heard in some areas.

Water voles can be seen especially through the reedbed and the front entrance pond.

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