Insects Galore!

The hot weather has at last brought out the insects in force. Most notable sighting was a White Admiral butterfly which probably wandered from the woodland areas to the north. Other butterflies include Green veined white, Red admiral, Painted lady, Peacock, Comma, Ringlet and Meadow brown.

Dragonflies are also making their presence known with Brown hawker, Black tailed skimmer, Common darter, Banded and Beautiful demoiselle, Blue tailed and Red eyed damselflies especially around wetlands discovery and the wet grassland.

The most notable bird at the moment is a Green sandpiper from the Lapwing hide, which has been around for a week now. Also two Little egrets, Grey heron, Cormorants, Sedge and Reed warbler, Swallows, Reed bunting, Bullfinch, Goldfinch, Teal, Red kite, Buzzard, Peregrine, Oystercatcher, Tufted duck and Pochard, both of the latter with new broods of young!

Wild flowers are at their most spectacular with Meadowsweet and Purple Loosestrife dominating the scene. Marsh mallow, Yellow loosestrife, Fleabane, Marsh woundwort adding to the palette of colours.

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