Lapwing chicks

Lapwing chicks have been showing well this week from the Lapwing hide with a maximum count of four this morning. Adult lapwing continue to mate and nest scrape, so hopefully more chicks will be forthcoming in the coming month.

Good numbers of House martin moving through the reserve over the last few days with Swallows and Sand martins in smaller numbers mixed in.

The reedbed is alive with more Reed warblers singing and a brief Cuckoo on Wednesday but he didn't linger so still awaiting one of our own.

Water vole youngsters were seen in the week from the Lapwing hide and plenty of signs around most of the reserve.

Two pairs of Oystercatcher now sitting on eggs, one from the Ramsar hide and the other on Arun riverlife.

Toad tadpoles are swarming in the warm shallows of the front entrance pond and on Wetlands discovery.

Insect activity has really slowed down the last few days with the cooler temperatures. When the sun does shine Orangetip are quick to appear along with other spring butterflies.


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