Last day of the year

Well who would have thought winter would be this mild and as we get to the end of 2015 there seems to be no let up in the mild, wet conditions.

There has however been a change in duck numbers this week. Shoveler reached 40 yesterday and around 100 Teal are displaying to each other in many parts of the scrapes.

The Kingfisher remains a high guarantee of being seen with sightings from the scrape and sand martin hides today.

Bullfinches were showing well this morning especially in the hedgerows along the central reedbed path.

Red kites, Peregrines, Kestrel were all enjoying the sunshine this morning, although the male Sparrowhawk was more interested in breakfast, taking a small bird from the reedbed path hedgerow!

A lovely close view of a Firecrest in the scrub of the Reed swamp exhibit today and a rare open view of a Cettis warbler near the scrape hide.

On behalf of the team here at Arundel WWT, I would just like to wish everyone a happy new year and look forward to your continued support in 2016.

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