Lesser is more!

Top sighting of the week was a Lesser spotted woodpecker flying over to the willows on wetlands discovery. It is at least two years ago that this species was seen on the site. Little grebes have n [...]

Top sighting of the week was a Lesser spotted woodpecker flying over to the willows on wetlands discovery. It is at least two years ago that this species was seen on the site.

Little grebes have now hatched their eggs, but not sure how many as yet.

Oystercatcher and Common tern now both on eggs on the right hand gravel island from the sand martin hide.

A pair of Swallows have decided to build a nest in the reedbed hide, but please do not linger to long so that can be successful parents. This is the first pair of swallows to nest certainly within the last 5 years that I am aware of.

Dragonflies now beginning to appear in the hot weather include Broadbodied Chaser, Large red and Common Blue damselflies.

Butterflies include Brown Argus, Common Blue, Holly Blue, Brimstone, Orange Tip and Red Admiral.

Flowering plants include Common Vetch, Yellow Flag Iris, Common Spotted Orchid, Red Campion and Hounds Tongue.

The bat walk on Thursday recorded 6 species, Common, Soprano and Nathuisius Pipistrelles, Daubentons, Serotine and Noctule. Two owlets and an adult Tawny owl were also seen.

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