Lots of lapwing from Ramsar & Sand martin hides

Lapwing have been coming into the deeper scrape between the Ramsar and Sand martin hides with the count peaking at 80 lapwing last Friday.

Kingfishers have been showing on Arun Riverlife lagoon and at several hides. We recorded kingfisher activity in and around the artificial nesting bank on Arun Riverlife lagoon this past year so our Grounds team has just finished getting it ready for the breeding season next spring!

Please note that not all areas of the site are surveyed by wardens each day and these listed sighting are highlights only.

Sun 20 Dec

Long path crossroads: 1 firecrest

Arun Riverlife: 1 kingfisher, 1 water rail, 4 pochard

Wetland Discovery: 38 mallard

Scrape hide: 3 marsh harriers (reedbed roost)

Sat 19 Dec

Wetland Discovery: 1 little grebe, 3 pochards

Lapwing hide: 14 teal, 2 green woodpeckers.

Ramsar hide: 40 snipe, 1 Mediterranean gull

Scrape hide: 2 mute swans

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 46 mallards, 11 greylags, 30 Canada geese, 1 cormorant, 2 gadwall, 2 moorhens, 3 pochards, 12 snipe, 2 little grebes, 1 water rail

Fri 18 Dec

Arun Riverlife: 3 pochards, 1 kingfisher.

Wetands Discvery: 1 little grebe

Ramsar hide: 80 lapwings, 26 snipe, 3 wigeon.

Woodland Loop: 4 blue tits, 1 moorhen, 1 great tit, 4 goldfinches.

Thurs 17 Dec

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 3 pochard.

Reedbed: 6 yellowhammers, 30 mallard, 1 coot, 1 little grebe

Ramsar & Sand martin hides: 60 lapwings, 20 snipe, 4 wigeon, 2 cattle egrets.

Wed 16 Dec

Arun River life lagoon: 5 pochard

Ramsar and Sand martin hide: 10 lapwings, 12 wigeon, 21 snipe, 1 pochard, 1 greater black-backed gull, 1 little grebe, 1 kingfisher.

Offham hangar: 2 peregrines, 1 red kite

Scrape hide: 7 shoveler, 6 gadwall, 11 mallards, 1 kingfisher

Tues 15 Dec

Arun Riverlife: 4 pochard

Ramsar and Sand Martin hides: 1 water rail, 16 snipe, 30 teal, 3 cormorants, 2 mute swans, 12 Canada geese, 13 greylag geese, 7 tufted ducks, 2 pochards, 15 shoveler, 5 shelducks, 7 lapwing, 3 coots, 1 moorhen, 28 mallards, 7 gadwall, 3 wigeon, 1 little grebe, 1 kingfisher, 176 black-headed gulls, 10 common gulls, 1 lesser black-backed gull

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