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Spring mallard ducklings hatching out

Wardens spotted our first spring clutch of ten mallard ducklings swimming around the edge of the Arun Riverlife lagoon following their mother last Sunday. The kingfishers are still at the nesting bank here especially in holes 10 and 8!

Arun Riverlife seems to be the current hot spots as a pair of lapwing are definitely on the nest to on the fen cut and a pair of oystercatchers looking for a nesting spot too.

Sun 28 March

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 1 female mallard with 10 ducklings, a pair of oystercatchers, 2 kingfishers in and out of various nesting bank holes, a pair of lapwing with one on the nest, 11 pochard in the afternoon,

Wetland Discovery: 7 Canada geese, 22 mallards, 7 tufted ducks, 1 greylag goose, 1 pheasant, 1 moorhen, 1 wren singing, 2 Cetti's warblers singing, 1 chiffchaff singing, 4 black-headed gulls

Lapwing hide: 2 pairs of lapwing (4)

Ramsar hide: 2 lapwing up in the air mobbing a crow, 2 Mediterranean gulls, and 106 common gulls

Sat 27 March

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 11 Canada geese, 2 greylag geese, 10 tufted ducks, 2 oystercatchers on gravel island, 2 lapwing female sitting and male displaying, 10 mallards, 1 pochard, 1 coot, 1 shelduck, 48 black-headed gulls.

Sand Martin hide: 4 Mediterranean gulls, 1 oystercatchers on front island, 1 pochard

Ramsar hide: 2 lapwing (we think there have a nest there), 5 cackling geese,

Offham hangar: 1buzzard

Lapwing hide: 3 lapwing

Fri 26 March

Arun Riverlife: lapwing pair (male sitting), 2 oystercatchers, 3 pochard

Lapwing hide: 4 lapwing – 2 pairs with a male displaying

Ramsar hide: 2 lapwing, 1 little egret

Wood Loop: 2 wrens, 2 blackbirds, 2 dunnocks, 2 moorhen, 1 robin, 1 goldcrest, 3 long-tailed tits, 3 blue tits, 3 great tits, 2 chaffinch, 1 treecreeper, 2 wood pigeon, 1 pheasant, 1 mallard

Wed 24 March

Arun Riverlife: 1 lapwing pair male sitting on nest, 8 pochard

Lapwing hide: 3 lapwings, 2 males one female

Ramsar hide: 2 lapwing – male nest scraping, female looking heavy, 3 oystercatchers chasing off gulls

Scrape hide: 1 lapwing female, 8 Canada goose, 4 greylag geese, 1 kingfisher, 7 mallards, 3 gadwall, 2 moorhens, 35 black-headed gulls, 1 coot

Tuesday 23 March

Ramsar and Sand martin hides: 5 coots, 3 moorhens, 1 little grebes, 3 teal (one pair), 24 mallards, 3 shelducks (one pair), 1 mute swan, 6 shovelers (4 males, 2 females), 3 male gadwall, 9 tufted ducks (6 male, 3 female), 66 black-headed gulls, 1 Mediterranean gull, 32 common gulls, 45 herring gulls.

Arun Riverlife: 8 pochards, 1 kingfisher on perch beside nesting bank, 1 lapwing.

Lapwing hide: 3 pairs of lapwing

Ramsar and Sand Martin hides: 2 lapwing, 1 oystercatcher, 19 Canada geese, 5 cackling geese, 9 greylag geese.

Mon 22 March

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 6 pochards, 1 little egret, 1 lapwing

Ramsar hide: 2 lapwing, 3 cackling geese, and 118 common gulls

Lapwing hide: 4 Canada geese, 1 cackling goose, 1 greylag goose, 9 gadwall – 5 males 4 femals,2 coots, 10 black-headed gulls,5 mallards, 2 pairs of lapwing a male displaying, 1 wood pigeon, 2 moorhen, a pair of teal, 2 pheasants, 2 snipe.

Sun 21 March

Wetland Discovery area: 1 stoat along path by the Outlook In building, 7 pairs of tufted ducks(14), 16 mallards – 14 males 2 females, 2 black-headed gulls, 4 Canada geese, 3 greylag geese, 5 pheasants (1 male, 4 females)1 robin, 1 blackbird, 1 dunnock, 2 coots

Lapwing hide: 6 lapwing

Ramsar hide: 5 cackling geese

Sussex screen: 1 kingfisher

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 7 pochards, 2 lapwing.

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