Swallows and Sand Martins chicks have fledged

The sand martins chicks have left the nest in the Sand Martin hide. They seemed to stay around a few days with their family but have moved on now. The swallow chicks have fledged in the Ramsar hide, flying strongly outside and perching up but they keep r

The sand martins chicks have left the nest in the Sand Martin hide. They stayed around a few days with their family but have moved on now. The swallow chicks have fledged in the Ramsar hide, flying strongly outside and perching up but they keep returning to the hide when it rains!

Recent Sightings by wardens at the hides

Reedbed: Mallard 8, 2 ducklings
Woodpigeon 2, Reedbed Cetti's Warbler 1 Singing
Blue Tit 3, reedbed Blackbird 1, Reedbed Swallow 1, Reedbed Goldfinch 1 Singing
Long-tailed Tit 2, Wren 2, Sedge Warbler 2
Arundel WWT Ramsar Scrape: Swallow 5 Exercising wings on edge of nest cup, Buzzard 5 2 adults, 3 juveniles - flying over.

Woodland Lodge Hide: Green Woodpecker 1
Woodland Lodge Hid: Blue Tit 8, Great Tit 6, Mallard 5, Moorhen 4, Hide Woodpigeon 2, Blackbird 1, Chaffinch 3, Goldfinch 2, Dunnock 2


Sand Martin hide: Sand Martin 8
Scrape Hide: Tufted Duck 4 with 1 duckling, Teal 3

Sand Martin Hide: Sand Martin 8 Incl. 5 fledged juveniles, Swift 5 Flying over

Woodland Lodge hide: Grey Wagtail 1
Sand Martin Hide: Sand Martin 30, Shoveler 1
Ramsar Scrape: Swallow 7 Incl. 5 fledged juveniles, Little Egret 1

Ramsar Scrape: Swallow 7 Incl. 5 fledged juveniles, Little Egret 1, Sand Martin 3, Egyptian Goose 1, Tufted Duck 2

Arun Riverlife: Teal 1
Woodland Lodge Hide:Green Woodpecker 1, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1, Nuthatch
Woodland Loop: Willow Warbler 2
Long Path: Blackcap 1, Osprey 1 Flying over
Scrape Hide: Gadwall 6 , Sand Martin 20, Shoveler 1
Ramsar Scrape: Swallow 6 Incl. 4 fledged juveniles

Reedbed : Chaffinch 1, Reed Warbler 6, Sedge Warbler 3, Common Whitehroat 4, Blue Tit 2, Goldfinch 2, Cetti's Warbler 1
Reedbed Hide: Swallow 12
Willow Screen: Mandarin Duck 3
Sand Martin Hide: Pochard 2
1st Gate: Oystercatcher 1 Coming in to Roost

Wetland Discovery: Sedge Warbler with 3 Fledged juveniles

Arun Riverlife lagoon: Willow Warbler 1
Ramsar Scrape: Linnet 3, Willow Warbler 1
Reedbed: Lesser Whitethroat 1, Scrape Hide

August 1 Bat Survey: Noctule 10, Soprano Pipistrelle 46, Noctule 1, Common Pipstrelle 1
Dragonflies and Damselflies: Black-tailed Skimmer dragonflies, Banded Demoiselle, Common Blue Damselfly.
Butterfly survey August 8: Peacock 1, Brimstone 4,Gatekeeper / Hedge Brown 5, Large White 2, Speckled Wood 7, Meadow Brown 5 , Red Admiral 3, Painted Lady 1. Other sightings: Small Tortoiseshell, Comma, Red Admiral, Painted Lady, silver-wash fritillary.

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