Sand martins trickling through

Small groups of sand martins have been stopping off checking out the nesting holes in our artificial nesting bank.

A pair of blue tits are nesting in the swallow terrace among our outdoor nest box display.

The boat drivers have spotted several grass snakes swimming the channels

Staff also spotted a common lizard catching some rays on the wall of the Outlook In building near the boats.

This week common carder bumblebees emerged to add to the insects active now including male and female brimstone butterflies, peacock butterflies and hairy-footed flower bumblebees.
Spring behaviours continue with several mallard families hatching ducklings last week. A pair of oystercatchers were making a nest scrape on the gravel island of Arun Riverlife lagoon. Several pairs of shoveler have paired up, willow warblers are singing and the first sedge warbler appeared on site – two weeks early!

I spotted a reed bunting and they too are singing, looking to nest in the reeds of the boat safari on Wetlands Discovery. Chiffchaff and blackcaps are singing and I spotted a green finch in the Woodland loop. Lapwings are still on nest at Lapwing hide and one pair on Arun Riverlife lagoon.

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