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White Tailed eagle sightings

Two white-tailed eagles, also known as sea eagles have been spotted over our site since daily last Sun 30 Oct. Red kites have also been spotted near the eagles, and sometimes it is just a solo eagle. We have been seeing the eagles off and on all month. Forestry England says the two white-tailed eagles are from their reintroduction programme in West Sussex and the pair are now holding territory. Senior Reserve Warden Emma Jacob managed these shots of an eagle on the Offham hangar - we'd love to see any pictures you've managed to get.

Cormorant numbers have increased on the islands between the Sand martin and Ramsar hides.Kingfisher sightings at Sand martin hide,

Tues 1 Nov

Sand martin and Ramsar hides: 4 tufted ducks, 3 coots, 2 moorhen, 2 little egrets, 28 mallards, 7 cormorants, 26 gadwall, 4 shelducks, 87 black-headed gulls,

Site: white tailed eagles (sea eagle) 2 flying over the site throughout the day at various times.

Mon 31 Oct

Site: white tailed eagles (sea eagle) 2 flying over the site throughout the day at various times.

Sand Martin hide: 1 kingfisher, 1 great egret, 2 cormorants

Scrape hide: 1 snipe

Sun 30 Oct

Site: white tailed eagles (sea eagle) 2 flying over the site throughout 11:30 am with a red kite.

Wetland Discovery: 1 kingfisher, 3 tufted ducks, 2 gadwall, 1 coot, 2 kestrels

Ramsar & Sand martin hides: 1 great egret, 5 cormorants, 1 grey heron

Lapwing hide: 1 little egret

Waterside Walk: 1 snipe

Scrape hide: 4 snipe

Sat 29 Oct

Arun Riverlife Lagoon: 30 mallards, 3 black-headed gulls, 12 Canada geese, 3 pochards, 1 greylag geese, 1 shoveler, 1 mute swan, 7 tufted ducks, 1 little grebe, 26 coots, 1 little egret, 1 moorhen, 1 carrion crow, 1 Cetti’s warbler, 2 gadwall

Scrape hide: 2 snipe

Ramsar and Sand Martin hides: 6 cormorants, 1 little egret, 2 snipe.

Tranquil Trail: 1 black cap

Wetland Discovery: 1 kingfisher

Fri 28 Oct

Woodland Loop

2 mallards, 2 goldfinch, 3 blue tits, 1 coal tits, 3 great tits, 2 moorhens, 1 wren, 2 robins, 1 blackbird, 2 woodpigeons

Ramsar and Sand Martin hide: 17 cattle egrets, 9 cormorants, 1 little egret, 3 pochard.

Scrape hide: 24 cattle egrets, 7 snipe, 1 little grebe

Arun Riverlife: 2 little grebes

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