Secretive snipe

Whilst carring out the bird counts on the reserve this morning there seemed to be a distinct lack of Snipe. I counted two from the sand martin hide and four from the scrape hide. When I had returned to the centre, checking the Arun riverlife lake, two flocks of about 30 snipe began circling rapidly over the reserve. A peregrine had flushed them from somewhere out on the reserve. Just goes to show how a count of six can suddenly become sixty!

A Barn owl was seen hunting over wetlands discovery at dusk last night. This raised my hopes that one will find the newly erected box out on one of the islands.

18 Lapwing out on the scrape islands this morning with displaying birds seen in the past few days. One male was also nest scraping in front of the Lapwing hide on tuesday. Early signs of spring!

A pair of Kingfishers have been frequenting the scrape areas of the reserve with sightings of individuals around most suitable fishing spots.

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