Shelduck number increasing at Ramsar hide

Shelduck feeding - WWT stock photo






Sunday 23 Oct

Sighted at Ramsar Hide by Guide-in-the-hide Peter.

2 Cormorant, 5 shelducks, 4 teal, 5 shoveler, 1 grey heron, 4 gadwall.

Saturday 22 Oct

Sightings by Guide-in-the-hide Dave.

Carpark in the morning: weasel, stoat, red fox, sparrowhawk, blackcap, chiff chaff, siskin, redpoll.

Ramsar hide: shelducks, snipe, little egret, water rail, black headed gulls, Canada geese.

Sighted over the Arun River: red kite, raven.

Reedbed: water rail.

Wood Loop: siskin.

Thursday 20 Oct

Sightings by Warden Emma.

Arun Riverlife: 24 tufted duck, 3 pochard.

Lapwing hide: 1 lapwing, 3 teal.

Ramsar hide: 6 teal, 6 shelduck, 1 grey heron, 7 gadwall, 5 shoveler, 1 water rail, 2 snipe.

Scrape hide: 1 raven, 1 little egret, 10 teal, 1 water rail, 5 gadwall, 3 shoveler.

Woodloop: nuthatch, redwing, Cettis warbler.





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