Snakes alive!

During last weeks reptile survey one of our tins produced a bumper seven juvenile Grass Snakes!! Adults are being seen more regularly especially out on Wetlands discovery when the sun is shining! Two Slowworms may not sound a lot but for Arundel this is amazing. I have only seen one other in seven years of monitoring at Arundel.

Insects are now more evident with the increased temperatures. Dragonflies have included Broad bodied and Four spot chasers,  Hairy dragonfly, Azure and Blue tailed Damselflies. Butterflies have included Brimstone (egg laying and caterpillars), Painted Lady, Small copper, Peacock, Red admiral, Common blue, Brown argus and Speckled wood.

A post breeding group of 21 Lapwing from the Lapwing hide this week.

Juvenile Sedge warblers , up to 3 Kingfishers, a Cuckoo briefly on Monday and a Reed bunting sitting on 5 eggs, on Wetlands discovery.

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