Spring maybe!

Lovely sunny start to the day and hints of spring in the air. Chiffchaff were singing at various points around the reserve and a Mistle thrush, Robin and Chaffinch joining in as well.

At the end of last week it seemed like winter was beginning not finishing. Flocks of Canada and Greylag geese and a small huddle of Lapwing were more reminiscent of two months ago!

Six Mediterranean gulls amongst the black heads, 5 Little Egrets, 3 Shoveler, Gadwall, Shelduck, Lapwing, Teal, Pochard and Tufted duck all from the Ramsar hide.

A Redshank put in an appearance this morning again raising hopes that a pair will breed here once more!

Two Lapwing are now incubating eggs from the Lapwing Hide, while others restart their display flights over the grassland.

The reedbed held a pair of Teal, 3 Reed bunting, 2 Water rail, 1 Snipe, Cettis warbler and a Goldcrest.

A Water vole gave close views at the edge of wetlands discovery this morning.

The Glossy Ibis was seen yesterday from the Ramsar hide.

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