Spring underway

What wonderful warm sunny weather to lift the spirits after a couple of months of non stop rain and flooding.

The wildlife has also responded to the warmer, longer daylight. Common Toads are spawning, butterflies such as Brimstone, Small tortoiseshell and Comma have already been seen. Queen bumblebees such as Early and Buff tailed are busy searching for early flowering sallow to nectar and potential nest sites.

Lapwing are displaying and nest scraping on the wet grassland, Blue tits are inspecting nest boxes and Wrens are singing. Pipistrelle bats are returning to roost in some of our bat boxes dotted around the reserve and no doubt feeding on the increasing mosquito population at night.

Bird migrants such as Sand Martin should be seen within the next couple of days and wintering/migrant Chiffchaff are already singing.

Black headed gulls are assembling at their nesting grounds, squabbling over the best spots. Amongst these look out for Mediterranean gulls, 8 seen this morning from the Sand martin hide.

Mallard ducklings and Moorhen chicks are also beginning to hatch out in various places around the reserve.

Water Voles are showing well and it is encouraging that it seems many individuals have survived the flooding.

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