Summer / Autumn change over

The Autumn migration is now operating in both directions. Warblers and hirundines continue to pass through on their way south to warmer climes and the winter visitors from the far north begin to arrive.

Highlight today was a Spotted Flycatcher near the Ramsar hide and doing exactly what it says on the tin!

Warblers have included Chiffchaff, Willow, Garden and Blackcap.

Still small numbers of House Martin and Swallow over the reserve, but no Sand Martins of late.

General duck numbers are still increasing with several Pochard turning up this week. A Pintail last week was a good find but unfortunately didn't stay for long.

Snipe arrived with a maximum of four seen today. Yesterday Lapwing numbered eight after several days with just one.

Small flocks of Siskin and Redpoll have been making the most of the alder cones around the reserve.

Water rails are beginning to arrive and showing especially from the reedbed hide.

Kingfishers continue to put on a great show from many of the hides.

During the brief spells of sunshine butterflies, including Red Admiral, one Painted Lady and a Brimstone.

Dragonflies including Migrant hawker and Common darter have been seen mating and egg laying as soon as the sun appears.

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