Sunday 22nd February 2015


Whilst walking around the reserve this morning, I spotted the following birds;
Water rail, Mute swans, Pochard, Tufted duck, Song thrush, Blackbird, Long tailed/ Great/ Coal & Blue tit, Grey wagtail, Nuthatch, Dunnock, Reed bunting, Chaffinch, Green finch, Goldfinch, Wren, Wood pigeon, Rook, Jackdaw, Robin, Blackbird, Pheasant.

From the Lapwing hide; Lapwing (9), Grey heron, Teal and Shelduck.

From the Ramsar & Sand martin hides; Black swans, Canada geese, Shelduck, Gadwall, Shoveler, Teal, Herring & Black headed gulls, Lapwing (4), Mute swans.

From the Scrape hide; Shelduck, Canada geese, Kingfisher, Water rail & Snipe.

The Lapwing are putting on beautiful displays at the moment, whilst they work out there territories & show off to the females.

Have a wonderful day.


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