Swallows, sand and house martins still moving through

Chiifchaff photographed by Ken Turner.

Recent sightings:

Mon 3 Sept:

Wildlife Garden - 30 house martins

Sand martin hide - 5 Sand martins

Common Sandpiper – SMH

Scrape hide - 25 gadwall

Reedbed hide – swallows


Tues 4 Sept:

Ramsar – house martins 40.

Scrape hide – 10 house martins, 20 gadwall.

Wildlife Garden – 15 house martins.

Sand Martin Hide – 10 sand martins.


Wed 5 Sept:

Wetlands Discovery – 50+ House martins, kingfisher.

Ramsar hide – common sand piper

Snadmartin hide – grey heron, 15 sand martins.

Wildlife garden – 10 swallows.

Reedbed hide – 3 swallows.

Scrape hide – 55 gadwall, little egret, 15 house martins, 25 sand martins, 2 wigeom, 4 teal, kingfisher, grey heron, 4 shoveler, 1 marsh harrier.

Ramsar hide: 4 shoveler.

Common Lizard - Next to gate


Thurs 6 Sept:

Arun Riverlife – 2 shoveler

Scrape hide - 16 gadwall

Arun Riverlife – 5 swallows, 30 house martins, 25 sand martins.

World Wetlands – massing swallows, house martins and sand martins moving through the reserve 100s.


Fri 7 Sept

Ramsar hide – grey heron

Sand martin hide – kingfisher

Sand martin hide – 16 swallows

Scrape hide – 15 gadwall


Sat 8 September

Black Rabbit Triangle – Cetti’s Warbler, stoat, marsh harrier.

Offham hangar -  black caps, song thrush.

Ramsar hide – marsh tit, mandarin, 84 teal, 3 shovelers, tufted duck, cormorant, 1 snipe, 2 common sand piper, kingfishers, 12 sand martins,

Scrape hide – snipe, 30 gadwall, 1 wigeon.

Trumpeter exhibit – kingfisher.

Wetlands Discovery – garden warbler.

Sand martin hide – firecrest (entrance),  2 gadwall, 1 shoveler, 1 common sand piper, kingfisher, 1 common gull.

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