Tawny owlet and sand piper

A tawny owlet started branching on Mon 13 May from its box on an island in Wetlands Discovery. Tawny owls leave the nest to scramble around branches before they can fly. This is the first time that tawny owls have used one of our nest boxes at this end of the reserve.

Around 40 sand martins can be seen hawking over the large lagoon, with many in and out of nest holes. Warblers including sedge, reed, Cetti’s and willow warbler, chiffchaff, blackcap, whitethroat and lesser whitethroat can be heard singing across reedbeds and hedgerows. A cuckoo has been back on site for the past couple of weeks and is a welcome return. If you’re lucky, you may hear the nightingale singing behind the Lost Reedbed from the Scrape Hide – although all the warblers warbling dominates somewhat!

The kingfishers have been more active over the last week. They are in and out of the nest hole, fishing a lot and taking in food. Maybe feeding some hungry chicks?

A common sand piper was in at the Sand martin hide on Monday and Tuesday this week.

Wed 15 May

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 5 tufted ducks, 2 gadwall, 1 grey wagtail

Pelican cove: 3 tufted ducks, 3 pochards – 1 female with two ducklings

Lakes and forests exhibit: 1 male mandarin

Woodland Loop: 1 great spotted woodpecker

Meadow pond: 1 male mandarin, 1 gadwall

Long path: 1 whitethroat

Sussex Screen: 5 tufted ducks, 1 pochard

Scrape hide: 1 herring gull, 1 blue tit, 1 blackcap, 2 pochards, 1 chiff chaff, 1 carrion crow, 1 sedge warbler, 2 Cetti’s warbler, 1 reed bunting, 11 Canada geese, 11 mallards, 8 greylag geese, 1 blackbird, 6 tufted ducks, 6 black-headed gulls, 1 manadrin duck, 4 gadwall, 2 wood pigeon, 6 sand martins

Sand martin hide: 6 tufted ducks, 3 shoveler, 1 kingfisher, 1 common sandpiper

Ramsar hide: 7 tufted ducks, 4 gadwall, 4 lapwing, 2 shoveler, 1 cormorant, 1 reed bunting

Ramsar hide: 1 mandarin, 1 oystercatcher, 1 cattle egret

Lapwing: 4 gadwall, 2 tufted ducks,, 2 gadwall

Wetland Discovery: 2 tufted ducks, 2 gadwall

Tues 14 May

Wetland Discovery area: Tawny owlet branching from owl box on island along boat safari

Ramsar & sand martin hides: 3 moorhens – adult and two chicks, 6 tufted ducks, 1 cormorant, 2 lapwing, 3 shoveler ducks, 1 common sandpiper, 12 Canada geese, 2 greylag geese, 1 lesser black-backed gull, 1 mute swan, 41 black-headed gulls, 8 mallards, 1 oystercatcher, 1 gadwall, 2 Cetti’s warbler, 1 wren, 1 reed warbler, 1 chiffchaff, 20+ sand martins

Scrape hide: 2 sheducks, 1 pochard

Reedswamp exhibit: 2 pochards

Pelican cove: 1 female pochard with two ducklings

Mon 13 May

Wetland Bird survey

Wetland Discovery area: Tawny owlet branching from owl box on island along boat safari

Raised pond: emperor dragonfly exuviae

Waterside walk mute swan pair and one cygnet

Pelican cove: 1 pochard and 2 ducklings

Willow sphere: w pochard and 2 ducklings

Sun 12 May

Wetland Discovery: 1 pied wagtail, 4 tufted ducks, 5 mallards, 1 black-headed gull, 2 blue tits, 2 sedge warblers, 1 reed warbler, 1 Cetti’s warbler, 2 Canada geesem 1 pochard

Arun Riverlife: 1 pochard, 1 oystercatcher

Waterside walk: 1 oystercatcher, 2 murte swans with 2 cygnets

Ramsar hide: 2 lapwing, 1 grey heron, 1 kingfisher

Lapwing hide: 2 grey heron

Long path: 1 pochard and 5 ducklings

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